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Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection, and he works with a Sword of Light. This clearing prayer prevents outside energy from affecting you, and removes any energy or entities that may have attached to your aura. If you find yourself inexplicably cranky, angry, annoyed, sad, depressed, etc. for no reason, it is likely have picked up energy.
All who carry a lot of Light and have raised their body’s vibrational level, lower vibrational energy may try to “jump” to you because you feel “yummy.” This is why protection is so vital the further into the Light you go. For Lightworkers and healers this can assist in keeping personal boundaries strong, and cutting any cords to clients. For more heavy duty clearing, consider an Emotional Cord Cutting.
If after saying the prayer those emotions are still there, then it is your energy and you need to explore, heal, and clear it. Saying this prayer at night clears the residue of the day and then protects you while you are off astral traveling in your sleep. One can say this prayer every morning and night. Say it aloud.
Archangel Michael Clearing prayer icon with staff and globe surmounted by cross
© 2025 SummerHawk Wolf
The Archangel Michael Clearing Prayer
will allow you to move in the world, be sensitive, and yet also be protected.
You can say the prayer for yourself as well as for anyone you are guardian of –
children, elderly parents, etc.
Their Higher Self can allow them to receive it is it is in their Highest Good.
Begin by using your name to call in, then just insert their name wherever there is a “me” or “my.”
Guardian angel protecting child sleeping at night
Spiritual work is not about fear!
So if you have been to a “psychic” or “medium” or “reader” and they tell you have a “negative attachment” or “curse” – RUN!!!
The “psychic” will offer to remove it for at least $500 or even thousands of dollars. I have heard of this scam for over 20 years. Another trick a “psychic” uses is to wave an egg around you to “clear your aura.” They then crack the egg and inside there can be a black mass, gob of hair, miniature skull, blood, etc. That is to “prove” you need to be cleared.
Of course, lots of money for a fee is involved.
The “psychic” will say that multiple sessions are needed to clear, there are now several entities, it is a generational "curse" - and extra prayers, rituals, & special tchotchkes need to be prepared.
Remember that fear is the main ingredient in a scam!
A person with a severe psychiatric condition (schizophrenia, in some cases extreme bi-polar, etc.) are not aware they have an issue. It is the same with psychic issues – a person with a negative attachment, entity, or even possession will NOT be aware of it.
A sensitive person depending on their gifts will be able to sense “ghosts,” past events in a location, be aware of others’ emotions, etc.
THIS IS NOT THE SAME as having a Negative Attachment or Entity.
This Archangel Michael Clearing Prayer will clear you.
If you are Catholic/Christian, do the Sign of the Cross and feel the protection of the Trinity around yourself. Imagine Light surrounding you. If you were Baptized (all denominations), there is a Cross of Light embedded in your Auric Field.
Please don’t believe in or be manipulated by fear. If your heart doesn’t feel right about a “psychic”/”medium”/”reader,” that is your Spiritual Guides getting your attention!
Blue water heart
Watch th tutorial video “Kabbalistic Cross of Light” on YouTube:
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