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We come together to affirm our vision and loving hearts to keep our vision of equality for all humans especially the marginalized - women, all races and creeds, elders, young, LGBTQ, financially insecure, sensitives.
We go inward, to fill our cup in order to keep sending out Love and Light.
The Sacred Healing Circle begins with the Invocation of Archangels
to flow healing to all those present.
The Circle includes a Channeled Meditation to be enfolded in healing energy and receive.
Tuesday March 11 (3-11) at 7 pm e.s.t. on zoom, about 1 hour, FREE
- donations gratefully accepted but not required - find link below meeting link.
Zoom link to go right in:
Apologies it is set for my time zone east coast time.
Meeting ID: 869 1411 8871
Passcode: 469539
Find your local number:
For zoom:
1. Be logged in and ready, Chrome is the least glitchy browser.
2 You will need to download an app, it takes a few minutes, suggest you do that prior to Circle.
3. Have your phone/ tablet/ laptop charged if you are using it for the Circle.
4. Use earphones/ earbud/ headset so you do not have to concentrate on holding a phone / tablet/ laptop – if you have them.
Donations gratefully accepted but not required:
3-11 Sacred Healing Circle on ZOOM
A Shamanic Energy Healing session
is for one who has already experienced Etheric/ Auric Surgery and/ or the Melchizedek Light Activation.
The session begins with the Invocation of the Archangels to set Sacred Space and honor your journey.
In Sacred Space & snuggled onto a massage table the Shamanic energy will flow to where most needed in the physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual bodies.
Allow yourself to be supported and nurtured.
Heat Wave special - $150, 1 hour session,
add an Emotional Cord Cutting Ritual for an additional $44.
in-person, Bethlehem PA.
To schedule email
Appointments are available most weekends and weekdays during the morning, afternoon, or evening.
Sacred Geometry - the Power of the 3 Sacred Shapes webinar red pyramid crystal sphere cube
Offering ongoing mentoring for those seeking Spiritually-based guidance
to understand the “Big Picture”.
*** A Light Activation including Etheric/ Auric Surgery & Armor Removal
is required prior to beginning Spiritual Mentoring.
As an “anam cara” SummerHawk Wolf draws from the shamanic/ metaphysical/ Catholic/ Native American animal totems/ ancient symbols/ mythic archetypes
of ancient guidance to help one understand the “Big Picture”.
Spiritual Mentoring sessions available in-person,
or long-distance by phone or zoom video.
SummerHawk Wolf Spiritual Mentoring
T.B.A. for 2025
Sacred Geometry – the Power of the 3 Sacred Shapes workshop
Sign up for email announcements below!
Sacred Geometry - the Power of the 3 Sacred Shapes webinar red pyramid crystal sphere cube
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