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We come together to affirm our vision and loving hearts
to keep our vision of equality for all humans especially the marginalized -
women, all races and creeds, elders, young, LGBTQ, financially insecure, sensitives.
We go inward, to fill our cup in order to keep sending out Love and Light.
The Sacred Healing Circle begins with the Invocation of Archangels
to flow healing to all those present.
The Circle includes a Channeled Meditation
to be enfolded in healing energy and receive.
Friday April 11 (4-11) at 7 pm e.s.t. on zoom, about 1 hour, FREE
- donations gratefully accepted but not required -
find link below meeting link.
Here is the Zoom link to go right in:
Apologies it is set for my time zone east coast time.
Meeting ID: 869 1411 8871
Passcode: 469539
Find your local number:
For zoom:
1. Be logged in and ready, Chrome is the least glitchy browser.
2 You will need to download an app, it takes a few minutes, suggest you do that prior to Circle.
3. Have your phone/ tablet/ laptop charged if you are using it for the Circle.
4. Use earphones/ earbud/ headset so you do not have to concentrate on holding a phone / tablet/ laptop – if you have them.
Donations gratefully accepted but not required:
Friday April 11 Sacred Healing Circle Zoom
BOOTH # 28
All weekend - special Holistic expo price for Light Activation sessions - $111 (regularly $175)
45 minute in-person Shamanic session.
Light Activation includes Channeled information and Etheric/ Auric Surgery & Armor Removal. Removal of Etheric Armor is some of the healing work facilitated to remove the blocks that impede the flow of Divine Light and Energy into all aspects of your life.
Time slots are limited & must be pre-booked & pre-paid by PayPal at least 24 hours in advance to confirm.
To pre-book a session email:
Spring Spiritual Holistic expo postcard
PRE-Book with PayPal – guarantee a session.
Special Holistic expo pricing for 15, 30, 45 minute, or 1 hour in-person sessions.
See Path of Healing
Look for me in booth # T.B.A., same spot as before – to the right of the entrance along the far wall, right before the lecture area.
$10 admission, also free lectures both days included!
Over 170 exhibitors at the largest expo in the area. 10 am – 6 pm both days
Agricultural Hall @ the Fairgrounds just off 19th and Liberty Sts, Allentown PA
Guarantee a time -pre-book expo sessions
Holistic Expo 15 minute session - non-refundable payment - $40:
Holistic Expo 30 minute session - non-refundable payment - $80
Holistic Expo Emotional Cord Cutting - non-refundable payment $80
Holistic Expo Melchizedek Light Activation - non-refundable payment - $111
Holistic Expo Melchizedek Activation & Cord Cutting - non-refundable payment $155
BOOTH # 28
All weekend - special Holistic expo price for Light Activation sessions - $111 (regularly $175)
45 minute in-person Shamanic session.
Light Activation includes Channeled information and Etheric/ Auric Surgery & Armor Removal. Removal of Etheric Armor is some of the healing work facilitated to remove the blocks that impede the flow of Divine Light and Energy into all aspects of your life.
Time slots are limited & must be pre-booked & pre-paid by PayPal at least 24 hours in advance to confirm.
To pre-book a session email:
Spring Spiritual Holistic expo postcard
SummerHawk Wolf PayPal QR code
To contact please email:
Copyright © 2025 SummerHawkWolf - All Rights Reserved.
Web design:
Media: Resilient Dragon Design & Studio