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Shamana SummerHawk Wolf discusses
the holistic modality of Shamanic Healing,
what it is, how does it help to understand life & relationship patterns,
integrate our “inner children”, who is our Higher Self &
how does it bring us to healing & ability to see the “Big Picture”.
Offering ongoing mentoring for those seeking Spiritually-based nurturing guidance to help you understand the “Big Picture”
In the monastic Celtic tradition the “anam cara” – (“soul – healer”)helped guide a person on their Spiritual Path and within.
The Kabbalah teaches that GD created
the “Heavenly Human” or “Cosmic Human”
before the creation of humans on earth.
The Adam Kadmon Activation & Initiation
Activates the GD Code or Divinity Code – the full 24 DNA strands.
Integrate the three aspects of the human body –
(physical body, soul body, and Spiritual body).
Work with the energies of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Open to a deeper communion with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides
in the Awaken to Spirit Channeling Intensives.
In these powerful Trainings learn “how to” hear, see, feel, know your Guidance.
• Receive an energetic attunement to “re-wire” your Etheric energy
• Access higher levels of your Spiritual Consciousness.
• Meet your Higher Self
• Access your Spiritual Sanctuary
• Receive Spiritual keys to self-empowerment and abundance
• Merge with and balance the 4 elements and elemental forces of earth, water, air, fire
• Manifest abundance and prosperity in all aspects of your Spiritual and physical life
Open to a deeper communion with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides
in the Awaken to Spirit Channeling Intensives.
In these powerful Trainings learn “how to” hear, see, feel, know your Guidance.
• Receive an energetic attunement to “re-wire” your Etheric energy
• Access higher levels of your Spiritual Consciousness.
• Meet your Higher Self
• Access your Spiritual Sanctuary
• Receive Spiritual keys to self-empowerment and abundance
• Merge with and balance the 4 elements and elemental forces of earth, water, air, fire
• Manifest abundance and prosperity in all aspects of your Spiritual and physical life
This workshop is a Parents’ instruction manual for understanding Etheric Energy – and therefore understanding their sensitive child.
These children are wired differently
and adults need a different way of communicating with them.
The workshop will enable you to understand their Spiritual Gifts,
how they perceive, and how to make their environment
more comfortable for them.
This is a talk I gave as a speaker at an holistic expo
and I pray it helps you walk your Path on this planet.
Are you really who everyone else says you are?
“Who do you think you are!!!”
Mother Mary
- is a Master of Light.
It was her moral & ethical guidance in the raising of Jesus of Nazareth.
Mother Mary taught him of compassion, mercy,
and awareness of those who have less and are suffering.
Awakening him to his Divinity!
“Star of the Sea” (Stella Maris)
Tower of ivory
House of Gold
Ark of the Covenant
Gate of Heaven
Morning Star
are some of the names attributed to Mary
and invoke the ancient Mother Goddess names -
showing the deep yearning we have for a loving “Mom”
The belief in Archangels
transcends several religious denominations
especially in the Jewish and Christian traditions.
Archangels serve the Will of G-d / Elohim.
The 4 major Archangels
- Archangel Raphael
- Archangel Michael
- Archangel Gabriel
- Archangel Uriel
enfold you in protection and Light.
The Circle begins in front of you and flows clockwise.
Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection, and he works with a Sword of Light. This clearing prayer prevents outside energy from affecting you, and removes any energy or entities that may have attached to your aura. If you find yourself inexplicably cranky, angry, annoyed, sad, depressed, etc. for no reason, it is likely you have picked up energy.
Find this prayer on:
or email
for free audio file!
Archangel Sandalphon is the Archangel of Malkuth on the Tree of Life.
He is “The Approacher” to all Spiritual dimensions
and the Archangel of prayer.
Sandalphon grounds you in the 4 elements, anchors you in Sacred silence, helps with praying, meditating, with discerning,
and to find balance in your life.
Archangel Metatron is the Archangel of Kether on the Tree of Life.
He is the Gatekeeper and Sacred Guardian of positive thoughts
and thought-forms.
He lifts the veil of illusion of separation and lack so that your thoughts
and ways of thinking be healed for your Highest Good.
Archangel Uriel’s name means “The Light of G-d”, “G-d’s Radiance”.
He brings Divine Illumination and clairvoyance (“clear Sight”).
As Guardian of the North Uriel represents the element of Earth and vegetation of the Earth.
He is depicted in iconography holding stems of ripened wheat and wearing robes of citrine, russet, olive, and black.
As a patron of the arts Archangel Uriel can be depicted carrying a book or a papyrus scroll representing wisdom.
Listen to this prayer whenever you need hope to know you are on your Path. Archangel Gabriel is the Archangel of Yesod on the Tree of Life.
His name means “G-D’s is my strength”.
Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of Tiphareth on the Tree of Life.
He is “G-D’s Healer”.
This Prayer releases energies that are not for your Highest Good - including negative patterns of thought, old beliefs, and self-imposed limitations.
Aramaic is the language spoken by Jesus. It has a depth beyond what the traditional translation of the Lord’s Prayer has.
In fact it is much more inclusive – Father/Mother –
“Parent” instead of the patriarchal “Father”.
Allow yourself to hear the new paradigms this translation opens.
Your heart will open to the depths of what Jesus meant
by the new King/Queendom of GD manifesting within each person.
Translation © Neil Douglas-Klotz
"Prayers of the Cosmos"
How to Light up the Kabbalistic Cross.
Use the Kabbalistic Cross of Light to empower and protect you.
Breath in the energies of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Beginning at the Sephirah of Malkuth
to open the energetic pathways.
As each emanation fills to overflowing you will
re-connect to the Spiritual energies of Light and Love
all the way back to Kether – this is the “Serpent of Wisdom”:
“Let the disciple seize hold
of the tail of the serpent of wisdom,
and having with firmness grasped it,
let him follow it into the deepest centre
of the Hall of Wisdom.”
- The Old Commentary
Allow your heart to be reminded of your Divinity.
This meditation flows Divine Light and Love into your being.
Release the illusion of this world and awaken
to your power, strength, Spiritual Guidance.
Water represents the feminine energies and emotions.
This amazing dance of huge flock of birds
was after a memorial service for a local hospice.
It was as though our Loved Ones
were showing how free they are in Spiritual form.
Their delight to be back in Spiritual One-ness
and the loving embrace of all their family.
Dragonfly symbolizes
the power of the Light, change, transformation,
the magic of illusion, and colorful new Vision.
- from “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews
Found this spring while hiking over 10 years ago to center
and connect with nature.
Sometimes I bring crystals and stones
for the fairies and water elementals to clear.
This is the same spring also used in my YouTube video
“Meditation to flow healing into your Heart”
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