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Our Lady of Compassion is a Metaphysical Catholic Faith Community.
All are welcomed and we honor each others’ gifts, path, and individual journey.
Be supported and nurtured and receive the Grace and Healing to be Guided by Spirit.
The Sacraments of Spiritual Initiation –
Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion
– are available as well as Wedding/ Commitment Ceremonies,
and Presiding at Funerals.
Other Ministerial services such as Home/ Hospital/ Hospice visitation can be requested.
House/ Space/ Office Blessings & Clearings,
Spiritual Protection Ritual,
and Negative Entity Removal
assist in clearing Energy and allowing abundance and healing to flow.
Please see those pages for more information.
Our Lady of Compassion with infant Jesus icon
There are many forms of ceremonies to use, so a couple needs to decide what “flavor” they would like this to be and the service will be crafted specifically for you. As a Sacrament, you each confer it on each other, as officiant +SummerHawk is there to Bless and witness.
The ceremony can be as formal or informal as you choose. You can choose traditional Catholic/ Christian or include Native American (such as the invocation of the 4 directions (or Archangels) ), Celtic with handfasting and jumping over the broom, Metaphysical elements, etc., can be incorporated.
You can write your vows (if you’d like).
A Ceremony can be used as the public celebration and gathering with family and friends after a civil ceremony.
State and local regulations need to be checked to verify the legality in place of a civil ceremony.
The funeral or Celebration of Life
is Sacred Space
and gives an opportunity for family and friends to gather,
to acknowledge their sorrow,
to remember,
and to bring healing to their hearts.
We celebrate the Loved One
as a Spiritual Being who was on a journey
to learn and to grow while incarnate on the planet.
We begin the journey of the Loved One
into another aspect of their Spiritual development,
and the journey of family and friends without them being present physically.
Society sees this as a farewell
but it is the beginning of the
re-evaluation of one’s life without that person.
If the relationship was complicated then therefore
so is the process of grieving and mourning.
The service can be traditional,
or a blending and incorporating of
one or more spiritual traditions.
It includes inclusive language – names of GD – Beloved – Great Spirit – Source – Elohim – Father/Mother God –
and is tailored to the faith and beliefs of the Loved One/ family.
For those experiencing an acute or chronic illness: at hospital, neo-natal/ pediatric units, in-home or in-unit hospice,
pre or post-surgery, rehab hospitals, nursing homes.
To support one’s journey to wellness or transition.
Create a Sacred Space for your Beloved family/ friend
to be loved, enfolded, nurtured, comforted.
The patient’s personal faith beliefs and expressions are honored.
Family and friends are included and the visit
can be scheduled at a time when all can be present.
The Pastoral Visit includes:
Or it can also include Traditional Christian with the Sacraments:
After-hours visitations, E.R. and trauma unit calls to all hospitals within the Lehigh Valley area available.
Also available as a zoom video call anywhere in the world.
In being present to God, one consciously opens a pathway to Grace.
Sacraments flow this energy of Grace into us physically as well as Spiritually
through the physical and tangible signs and elements –
water, oil, bread, wine, fire of incense and candle flame, laying on of hands.
Beyond symbols, these are actual channels to transform and sanctify.
In this way we achieve union with God and our God-Self.
“Sacraments leave their indelible imprints in the inner and higher worlds,
visible to angels and the spiritually awakened”.
- “Divine Light and Fire”,
page 72, Peter Roche De Coppens
The Rite of Baptism includes the Invocation of the Archangels as well as one’s own Guardian Angel of Protection, energetically seal and protect, Activates and awakens the first Sephira of Malkuth on the Tree of Life, Consecrates one to the Light, embeds a cross of Light into the Auric field, anointing with Consecrated Oil to seal in the Divine Light and Love that has flowed into the Initiate.
Baptism is not membership into “the church” but into the Mystical Body of Christ.
Babies and children receive Spiritual protection as an Initiate.
In this journey one climbs from Yesod to Hod to overcome negative thinking, with the awareness of how our actions or lack of affect the other planes and dimensions, understand the responsibility and identify where one can do better in life, and then travels across Hod to Netzach.
Otherwise known as the
Sacrament of the Seal.
Jesus received a three-fold anointing as Priest, King, and Prophet. Through Confirmation we become sharers in Jesus’ Priesthood, prophetic ministry, and kingly dignity.
On the Tree of Life, one climbs from Malkuth to Yesod from the inner and higher worlds of imagination and the mind, gaining conscious self-control over one’s thoughts, and is now guided by the Christ within.
Confirmation is the second of the three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism the first and Holy Communion the third). Confirmation is regarded as the perfection of Baptism because the Baptized are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.
The laying on of hands, which signifies the descent of the Holy Spirit, is the central act in the Sacrament of Confirmation.The essential element, however, is the anointing of the confirmand (the person being confirmed) with chrism accompanied by the words “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”.
This seal is a consecration, representing the safeguarding by the Holy Spirit of the graces conferred at Baptism. Confirmation increases and deepens all of the graces granted at Baptism.
The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
Counsel = Intuition
Reverence (used to be referred to as “Fear of the Lord”)
Be enfolded in the healing energy
and the physical Presence of the Christ
in Holy Communion.
For those experiencing an acute or chronic illness: at hospital, neo-natal/ pediatric units, in-home or in-unit hospice, pre or post-surgery, rehab hospitals, nursing homes.
To support one’s journey to wellness or transition.
Create a Sacred Space for your Beloved family/ friend
to be loved, enfolded, nurtured, comforted.
The Pastoral Visit includes:
May include Traditional Christian with the Sacraments:
After-hours visitations, E.R. and trauma unit calls to all hospitals within the Lehigh Valley available.
For other locations in PA & NJ, and distance by video call please contact.
As a Sacrament, you each confer it on each other, as officiant +SummerHawk is there to Bless and witness.
The traditional Catholic ceremony can include Native American (such as the invocation of the 4 directions (or Archangels) ), Celtic with handfasting and jumping over the broom, Metaphysical elements, etc., can be incorporated.
You can write your vows
(if you’d like).
A Ceremony can be used as the public celebration and gathering with family and friends after a civil ceremony.
State and local regulations need to be checked to verify the legality in place of a civil ceremony.
We thank you Beloved, for these cherished souls who have moved into the Light of Paradise. We miss them, but they are in Your embrace and the company of their ancestors.
May these souls find in your presence light, happiness, and peace.
May they go from strength to strength, from one heavenly academy to another,
reaching higher Spiritual growth. May they be granted wisdom, knowledge, understanding, grace, kindness and mercy before You. May they stand before Your throne of glory.
May they rest in the shelter of the Most High, in the shadow of the Beloved. Amen.
For all who have passed from covid-19, in the US & throughout the entire world.
For the prayers and intentions of John & Bridget.
The victims in Ukraine
Bill - husband of Pat
Dwight C. – Father of Kathleen
Harriet R. – Mother of Cheryl & Ron
Catherine M. – Step-Mother of Joyce, Joanne, John
Judith’s Mother
Louise, Mother of David
Emma, for Joyce and family
Father of Jessica – and family
Harold, Father of Susan – and family
Scott – and his Mother
Grandparents of April
Thomas – and family
Francis – and family
Gillian R. – and family
Reverend J. R. Baker – and her family
Josephine and Joseph P. – and family
Marie Mercuro – Great-Aunt of Russell
Patricia F. – and for her sister Barbara N. and family
Father of Anne F. – and family
Baby Aurora – her parents and entire family
Bill L. – and wife Kate and entire family
Michael Muscarella Sr. and entire family
Mary K. – for her family, especially her Grandson Christopher
Bob “Mullet Man” Fink – his family and friends
Son of Dave W.
Father of Leslie and family
May their names not be forgotten…
To place your Intention here please email
Our Lady of Compassion prayers intentions candles
The Sacred Oils used in the Sacraments (Anointing, Baptism, etc.) are Blessed and Consecrated in the most Holy days leading to Easter.
Be enfolded in the healing energy.
The Ritual of the Metaphysical Mass includes the Invocation of Archangels, Attunements, and the Energetic assistance of Saints and Ascended Masters who choose to be present to gift us with their charisms. The silences allow those attending to be present to the energies and Grace from Elohim.
The Celebration of Mass facilitates and deepens a meditative state in those attending.
Online Mass will livestream at 9.30 am e.s.t.,
Meeting ID: 865 6578 3984
Passcode: 044549
Find your local number:
For missalette of Mass email:
To receive email announcements for Our Lady of Compassion services,
please use contact form below!
Our Lady of Compassion Chrism Mass Blessed Oils altar
Aramaic is the language spoken by Jesus. It has a depth beyond what the traditional translation of the Lord’s Prayer has. In fact it is much more inclusive – Father/Mother – “Parent” instead of the patriarchal “Father”. Allow yourself to hear the new paradigms this translation opens. Your heart will open to the depths of what Jesus meant by the new Kingdom of GD manifesting within each person.
translation © Neil Douglas-Klotz"Prayers of the Cosmos"
How to Light up the Kabbalistic Cross.
Use the Kabbalistic Cross of Light to empower and protect you.
Ordained Priest and Consecrated Bishop +SummerHawk Wolf
brings the powerful Spiritual energies as enjoined on the lineage by Jesus of Nazareth.
“Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”. (Mt 16: 19)
+SummerHawk Wolf photo snow field
To contact please email:
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