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Healing Sessions can be scheduled for in-person, phone/ zoom weekdays & weekends
in the morning, afternoon, and evenings!
Appointments available weekdays & some weekends in March:
Saturday March 1 & Sunday March 2
Saturday March 8 & Sunday March 9
Saturday March 15 & Sunday March 16
Saturday March 22 & Sunday March 23
Saturday March 29 & Sunday March 30
Apologies same day appointments are not available.
Find a place of peace in times of great change
through Channeled information, Attunements, and Healings.
Receive Channeled information specific to your growth and Ascension process.
Come back to who you truly are – a Spark of the Divine choosing to be a powerful point of Light and Love.
Allow yourself to be supported and nurtured.
There are Etheric/Auric structures that impede the flow of Divine Light and Energy
and physical health and well-being. Removing Etheric structures and blocks is Etheric/Auric Surgery.
The session begins with a Body Scan three inches above your physical body in your Etheric (or Auric) body and those structures and blocks can then be removed with your permission.
Once removed they cannot return – they are transmuted and re-absorbed into the Universe.
The once-blocked energy flow (like a kinked garden hose) is now free-flowing
and healing permeates to the cellular/microscopic level.
This healing modality is for anyone feeling a need to do deep healing,
remove Etheric blockage and assimilate their shifts.
While this is an integral part of the Melchizedek Light Activation, it can be done prior to it.
And it can also be a supportive and nurturing follow-up to continue, assimilate,
and delve into the shifts begun in the Activation.
The energy continues after a session…allowing you to absorb and integrate and release
at your own pace on all four levels of your Being – mental, emotional, Spiritual, and physical.
Benefits include:
Etheric/ Auric Surgery & Armor Removal is also available as a
phone or zoom video session in 30 or 60 minute sessions.
A phone/ zoom video call session needs to be pre-scheduled and payment received through PayPal at least 24 hours prior -
same day appointments are not available.
To book session:
Free yourself from the negative emotional cords from family, friends and relationships and then re-connect in a conscious and healthy way.
This Modality cuts the cords to all emotional attachments, negative energy, relationship cords of all kinds, and material attachments – behaviors, addictions, etc.
$80 U.S.D., 40 minutes.
May be added to a one hour or longer session for an additional $47.
Available as a distance phone/ zoom video session.
To book session:
A phone/ zoom video call session needs to be pre-scheduled and payment received through PayPal at least 24 hours prior -
same day appointments are not available.
To book session:
A phone/ zoom video call session needs to be pre-scheduled and payment received through PayPal at least 24 hours prior -
same day appointments are not available.
To book session:
This ancient modality enables you to awaken your Spiritual potential and access higher levels of your Spiritual Consciousness. Become aware of and sensitive to the movements and guidance of the Divine in your life. Know who you are to the core of your Being and open to the universal flow of Spiritual Abundance and prosperity.
Your divine Etheric blueprint is that of your True Self – who you were always meant to be and therefore do the work you are meant to do. Manifest your gifts, align to your power within and live with strength, passion, courage, compassion and self-awareness.
Etheric/Auric Surgery and Armor Removal is an integral part of the Light Activation. Removal of Etheric Armor and pins are some of the healing work facilitated to remove the blocks that impede the flow of Divine Light and Energy into all aspects of your life.
Receive channeled information about the structures, including the emotional, mental, and physical ramifications (dis-ease etc.). This information enables you to understand chronic physical conditions and/ or reoccurring life/ relationship patterns.
$175 U.S.D - 1 hour 45 minutes in person or a distance modality by phone or zoom video session.
To book session:
The Light Activation is the prerequisite for the Melchizedek Spiritual Initiations!
Receive a
$222 U.S.D - 2 hours in person or a distance modality by phone/ zoom session.
To book session:
This in-person session is for one who has already experienced the Melchizedek Light Activation.
In Sacred Space receive Channeled information, Attunements, Healings, guided journeys specific to your growth and Ascension process. The energy will flow to where most needed in the physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual bodies.
The subtlety of the Ascension is like micro-surgery as the energy goes in where needed and will enable you to transform every aspect of your life.
Allow yourself to be supported and nurtured.
Allow yourself to remember who you truly are – a Spark of the Divine.
To book in-person session:
The Melchizedek Light Activation for children and teens includes the Crown Cap Removal, Activation of the 3rd Eye, and Archangel Michael Clearing Prayer.
Usually children and teens have minimal Etheric Armor structures –
and it can be removed with their permission for their Highest Good.
This modality enables children and teens to have stronger energetic boundaries,
to be able to differentiate between their own emotions and those of others.
Light Activation Prices for children & teens:
up to age 6 = $20
age 6 – 11 = $30
age 12 – 14 = $50
age 15 – 16 = $60
age 17 = $80
age 18 & older = $111
Discussing the holistic modality of Shamanic Healing on RVN TV.
To contact please email:
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