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This healing modality is used to release negative forces when it is threatening the fundamental foundation of the person. Any attachments or energies that are not in the best interest of the person are released, thus empowering the person to function more fully in all aspects of life.
This is not about “driving out” anything, but bringing the person into wholeness by strengthening their own Energetic and Auric boundaries. It is not about “fixing” you, but holding Sacred space and energy to open yourself to your own Healing.
Sometimes what is labeled “negative attachments/ curses”, etc. are manifestations of opening Spiritual Gifts.
Energy can be overwhelming – especially for those who are sensitive – and can magnify a person’s own thought forms and lead to racing thoughts, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), etc.
The Sealing and Sanctification Ritual may be used to bring in additional Spiritual protection, and an Emotional Cord Cutting Ritual may be recommended as well.
It could be the energy of a location that is contributing to or is the core of the issues and they are simply vibrating to the fear, anger, or the negative energy and events that occurred there. Like a video that is played over and over, past events can be “stuck” and keep re-playing. That is why some paranormal events repeat and at the same times and is known as “place memory”.
In those cases, a House/ Space / Office Blessing and Clearing may be strongly recommended.
For those who have found little or no relief with traditional medical/ psychiatric treatment.
Negative Attachment/ Entity Removal 1 hour,
Phone / zoom video session $111 U.S.D.
In person $175 U.S.D.
For sessions and available appointments, please email
Use contact form below!
Archangelic energy gold
This Ritual facilitates awakening of the Christ-Consciousness by infusing your heart with Divine Love and Light. The most important aspect of opening one’s heart is often overlooked in most teachings and trainings. This unifies the chakras, flows Love into the heart chakra and opens the crown chakra to connect more fully with the Higher Self. Connect with and awaken your God-Spark within and explore your own Divinity with fuller compassion and love for yourself and others. Become a stronger anchor of Light and feel Divine Protection from negative forces to the depths of your being.
This Ritual is a clearing of negative energy residue and build-up to bring about a mental and emotional cleansing and transformation. Be physically sealed, Etheric/Auric energy field sealed and strengthened, and vibrational and energy level raised. In a Sacred Space the four Archangels and your own Angel of Protection are invoked.
For Practitioners, be Spiritually protected for client sessions, house clearings and blessings and more shielded from energy shifts, planetary fear-consciousness and the resultant physical effects.
Sealing and Sanctification Ritual includes:
· Invocation of Archangels and your own Angel of Protection
· The ancient Reversal of Negativity
· Anointing with 2 Olea Sacra (Blessed Oils) – Sacred Chrism (Sanctum Chrisma) and
· Oleum Catechumenorum – a Blessed Oil that brings in
Spiritual protection against negative forces.
· Prayers of protection and for Divine Guidance.
· Invocation of Shekinah (Divine Wisdom, i.e. Holy Spirit) through laying on of hands
· The 4 elements of earth water air fire represented by Blessed Oils, Holy Water, incense and 4 quadrant candles.
$150 U.S.D. - in person/ outcall.
Available as a distance modality by phone or zoom video – $100 U.S.D.
For sessions and available appointments, please email
Use contact form below!
Archangelic energy magenta blues pinks
In Sacred Space, Healing energies are focused.
Their Higher Self accepts the energy for the person’s Highest Good.
This Protection Ritual is specifically for distance work and can be a phone session. It can be at the request of a loved one not able to receive an in-person session.
Recommended for those who are dealing with illness, in Hospital, or immanent passing, or under psychic control/ attack/ manipulation.
Available as a distance modality by phone or zoom video – $100 U.S.D.
In person $150 U.S.D.
For sessions and available appointments, please email
Use contact form below!
Archangels 4 directions circle
any healing modalities are to be used in conjunction WITH –
and NOT intended to replace – medical treatment, prescribed medications,
or to diagnose medical/ psychiatricconditions.
As a Shamana (female healer), Initiated Guide and Ritual Master and
Ordained Priest and Consecrated Bishop, SummerHawk Wolf brings the powerful Spiritual energies as enjoined on the lineage by Jesus of Nazareth.
“Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”. (Mt 16: 19)
+SummerHawk Wolf photo snow field
Spiritual work is not about fear!
So if you have been to a “psychic” or “medium” or “reader” and they tell you have a “negative attachment” or “curse” – RUN!!!
The “psychic” will offer to remove it for at least $500 or even thousands of dollars.
I have heard of this scam for over 20 years. Another trick a “psychic” uses is to wave an egg around you to “clear your aura.” They then crack the egg and inside there can be a black mass, gob of hair, miniature skull, blood, etc. That is to “prove” you need to be cleared.
Of course, lots of money for a fee is involved.
The “psychic” will say that multiple sessions are needed to clear, there are now several entities, it is a generational "curse" - and extra prayers, rituals, & special tchotchkes need to be prepared.
Remember that fear is the main ingredient in a scam!
A person with a severe psychiatric condition (schizophrenia, in some cases extreme bi-polar, etc.) are not aware they have an issue.
It is the same with psychic issues – a person with a negative attachment, entity, or even possession will NOT be aware of it.
A sensitive person depending on their gifts will be able to sense “ghosts”, past events in a location, be aware of others’ emotions etc.
THAT IS NOT THE SAME as having a Negative Attachment or Entity.
The Archangel Michael Clearing Prayer will clear you.
If you are Catholic/ Christian do the Sign of the Cross and feel the protection of the Trinity around yourself. Imagine Light surrounding you. If you were Baptized – (all denominations) there is a Cross of Light embedded in your Auric Field.
Watch my tutorial video “Kabbalistic Cross of Light” on YouTube:
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